Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese art that uses our hands and simple procedures to restore harmony and energy circulation in the body.
In the East they have known for many centuries that we are not only a physical being but also an energetic being and the energetic circulation of the body feeds the physiology of the physical body. Just like the gasoline that runs a car, there is an energy or life force that provides the fuel that the human body needs to function and that nourishes our entire physiology. When that vital force is diminished or stagnant, our body lacks the necessary fuel and, then, we begin to accumulate effects in the body (in JSJ we call them "projects") that must be harmonized, from headaches, digestive problems, migraines, stress, anxiety, heart problems, immune disorders, insomnia, back pain, excessive worry, inability to concentrate, tiredness when we wake up despite having slept for many hours, etc. So with Jin Shin Jyutsu, through simple applications of the hands, we restore harmony and energetic circulation so that the body obtains the fuel it needs to function.
Jin Shin Jyutsu uses 26 security energy locks (SEL) on each side of the body. These SELs are located on energy pathways that feed the vitality of all our cells. We place the fingertips on the clothing on different combined SELs, the spine, and the fingers and toes to harmonize and restore the flow of energy. This helps to relieve the stress and tension that generally accumulates in the body during our daily lives due to different factors such as eating habits, managing emotions, illnesses, physical activity, traumas or environmental factors and which are the causes of various symptoms in the body.
Practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu invites us to self-knowledge and helps us expand our consciousness. The real lesson in life is to discover who I am, to get to know myself and Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of "Knowing, Helping myself".
It is difficult to put into words what it feels like when you receive a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, so I invite you to lie down and experience it on your own body.
Jin Shin Jyutsu uses 26 energy centers that are on each side of the body and are located on energy paths that feed life to all our cells. We place our hands on different combined energy centers, to harmonize and restore the flow of energy. This helps in relieving stress and tension that generally accumulate in the body due to different factors such as emotion management, anxiety, eating habits, physical activity, etc., and which are the causes of various symptoms in the body.
Practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu invites us to self-care, helps us recognize the innate wisdom of our body and expand our consciousness. The real lesson in life is to discover who I am, to come to
knowing myself, and Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of "knowing myself, helping myself."
It is difficult to put into words what it feels like to receive a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, so I invite you to lie down and experience it in your own body.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy was rediscovered in Japan by the master Jiro Murai at the beginning of the 20th century. After being cured of a terminal illness with the help of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Master Murai dedicated the next 50 years of his life to researching and developing this art of living, compiling results from various experiences and the study of the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters of Japan, 712).
The resulting knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu was passed on to Mary Burmeister, who brought the art to the West.
Mary Burmeister (Japanese-American) began teaching this art in the mid-1960s, and today we are thousands of students and practitioners around the world.
The truth is that within each of us lies the power to put aside all misery and know complete peace and unity, to be that beautiful creation in perfect harmony, to truly know (help) ourselves.